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Delsym 12 Hour cough medicine works all day or all night to help fight cough. It’s an advanced time-release formula that works by immediately releasing powerful medicine that acts fast, while its extended release medicine provides relief for up to 12 hours.Cough Suppressant in Grape FlavorAT A GLANCE:12-hour cough reliefCan be used day or night#1 doctor recommendedUse as directed.Goes to Work Fast to Help Silence Your Child's CoughDelsym is a patented time-release cough suppressant that goes to work fast to help silence your child's cough for a full 12 hours -- up to two times longer than other cough liquids.What You Should Know About CoughCoughing helps clear mucus and other matter (inhaled irritants) from the throat and lungs. Remember to help decrease the spread of germs by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and always putting your used tissue in the waste basket when finished. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands. Always clean your hands after coughing or sneezing. It is best to frequently wash with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer.What Makes You CoughWhen you have a cough or cold, coughing expels the excess mucus/phlegm that builds up in your lungs. You don't have to be sick to cough. Dust, pollen, smoke, and strong odors all can trigger a cough. Even if you're not spreading germs, it's a good idea to cover your mouth anyway.How to Care for a CoughIf you have a serious, persistent cough, check with your healthcare provider. But if your cough is just starting, or if it's mild and doesn't bother you too much, here's what you can do: drink lots of fluids; get plenty of rest, even if you don't feel sick; and consider an over-the-counter cough medicine like Delsym to relieve your cough.Specifications
Mfg Stock No:
Advanced time-release formula that works immediately; Contains No Fever Reducer Or Pain Reliever; Controls & Supresses Cough; Provides relief for up to 12 hours; Sulfite & Alcohol Free
Product Size:
3 OZ