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Keep an eye on theocal weather with the help of this Wireless Color Forecast Station froma Crosseu00ae Technology. It measures the indoor temperature and humidity the daily indoor temperature and humidity relative barometric pressure.Specifications
Mfg Stock No:
24 hour Pressure History Graph; 3 Languages: English Spanish French; Atomic Time/Date with Manual settings; Backlight has 3 levels when connected to AC power; Calendar Month/date; Daily HI LO temp/humidity midnight to midnight indoor; Daily HI LO temp/humidity midnight to midnight outdoor; Fahrenheit/Celsius selectable; Heat Index and Dew point for outdoor; Inches of Mercury or Hecto Pascal selectable; Independent alerts for indoor temperature & humidity; Independent alerts for outdoor temperature & humidity; Indoor Temperature/Humidity; Low Battery icon for station; Low battery icon for the THERMO-HYGRO sensor; Moon Phase based on Lunar Calendar; Outdoor Temp and Humidity trend arrows; Relative Barometric Pressure in numbers 23.62 to 32.48 InHg 800 to 1100 hPa; Weather forecast: Sunny Partly Sunny Clouds Rain T-Storm and Snow; When only battery operated back light is turned on 100% only when button is pressed and auto time out is 10s; Wireless Outdoor Temperature/Humidity
Product Size:
6.5 INCH