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These handheld signals are safe and easy to use with a built-in protective handle. They store easily in our sealed poly bag, or can be used as replacements in the Alert/Locate kits.Short-Range Flares help rescuers establish your location. Check your supply today. These flares meet the US Coast Guard requirements and are waterproof with a built-in protective handle. Includes four handheld flares. Be prepared for a Vessel Safety Inspection: Visual distress signals must be carried on all boats which are operated on the high seas coastal waters including the Great Lakes the territorial seas and all waters directly connected to the Great Lakes or the territorial seas up to a point where the waters are less than two miles wide. Have enough flares: Handheld signal flares are intended as homing signals to pinpoint your position. The surface-to-surface sighting range on water is approximately three to five miles depending on boat elevation. If a rescuer is five miles away and running at 20 miles per hour it will take 15 minutes to reach you. Therefore you should have at least 12 minutes total burn time of signals onboard to maintain a strong homing signal until help arrives.Specifications
Mfg Stock No:
Burn Time: Three minutes; Light Output: 950 candela; Signal Type: Red handheld flare; Type Approval: USCG Day/Night; USCG Approved safety distress flares
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